A team of Helping Hands in the Severn Valley did such a good job revamping the play equipment and outdoor space at Greenslade Pre-School in Nailsea they were called on again when the second stage of work needed doing.
A six-strong team comprising Sales Director, Sarah Williams, together with Technical Manager, James Marlow, and colleagues Matt Vaughn, Leanne Moss, Owain Morris and Claire Quilliam, spent the day transporting wheelbarrows of sand to fill the sand pit and painting fencing.
School administrator Elizabeth Jones, said: “We are so pleased and grateful for the jobs Wain Homes carried out for our charity preschool recently. The monumental task of refilling our sandpit is the most exciting for our children who love playing in there and cannot wait to start using it. Thank you for the support you have shown us in recent years.”
Sarah Williams said: “The team were happy to go back and it is so worthwhile knowing the children will have such fun in the sand pit. Community is very important to Wain Homes and we are pleased to have played our part here.”
The pre-school is close to our developments Brue Reach and Mulgrove Farm Village.